waste to
energyMahasakthi Bio-Enercon is one of India's largest Biogas manufacturer with a total capacity of 84000 mᶟ.

energyWe are deeply committed to the well being of our environment and creating a green future for future generations.

As producers of green energy we understand our responsibility to the environment, people and the wider community.

What is Biogas ?
Biogas consists of methane and CO2, which are formed when organic material rots under oxygen-free conditions. This is a natural process that the biogas plants use to degas livestock manure and organic waste from agriculture, industry, and households.

Why Biogas ?
“Biogas helps solve difficult climate challenges”
Biogas is an effective tool to tackle climate change because biogas plants collect Biogas from livestock manure and organic waste and at the same time provide the opportunity to use Biogas to displace fossil fuels such as coal, diesel & natural gas.